Jeremy's Weblog

I recently graduated from Harvard Law School. This is my weblog. It tries to be funny. E-mail me if you like it. For an index of what's lurking in the archives, sorted by category, click here.

Friday, September 27, 2002

Just got back from Fenway Park, where I saw the Red Sox beat the Devil Rays 6-1 in the rain. Light rain. Not too bad. Fenway Park is excellent. Nice and cozy. My seat was in the bleachers, which couldn't have been more than half as far as the outfield seats in Camden Yards. In the 6th inning, we moved over to seats right behind home plate -- 4th row -- which was pretty cool. Could practically touch the players. The seats seem much closer to the field than at Shea Stadium or anywhere else I've been. I definitely want to go see some more games in the Spring.

A few random notes on Fenway -- at one food stand they serve a "steak tips" sandwich and a "turkey tips" sandwich. What exactly is a turkey tip? Where is the tip of the turkey? Is it the beak? The feet? I'm just not sure. Also, there's a big milk advertisement on the foul pole -- a big plastic container of Hood's milk, which reads, on the container, "New Light-Blocking Container." That's their big new thing -- I've seen the commercials too. It keeps light out so the milk stays fresher. And, of course, the container is all lit up, glowing brightly in the night. Uh, I thought it was light-proof.

Completely unrelated to Fenway, but has been on my mind for a while and got a good reaction in conversation today, so I figure I'll share -- since I got here, I've been finding that lots of people here studied at Oxford. It probably seems like more than it actually is -- but just because they all seem to bring it up in every conversation. No matter what the conversation is about, it seems like if someone went to Oxford, they're going to find a way to say it. Twice. "Look at that tree!" "Ah, yes. It reminds me of the trees we used to have at Oxford." "It rained like this at Oxford." "I ate a turkey sandwich once at Oxford." "Someone wore a hat like that at Oxford." "That flower reminds of me of something in the gardens at Oxford." "The sky was blue at Oxford." "We breathed air at Oxford." "Objects were made of atoms and molecules at Oxford." And so on. This one guy -- who will of course remain nameless -- I've had perhaps five conversations with him. And in each one, he's found a way to remind me that he went to Oxford. I was at a meeting with him where we all had to go around and introduce ourselves -- "say your name and one fact about you" -- like I even need to write the rest of the sentence, right? Figure it out. It's not that hard. :)