Jeremy's Weblog

I recently graduated from Harvard Law School. This is my weblog. It tries to be funny. E-mail me if you like it. For an index of what's lurking in the archives, sorted by category, click here.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Thanks to fellow law blogger Sua Sponte for her grade-related "hug" in her weblog (and I should also note that her weblog is a pretty good law school-related read... so check it out!).

I want to write more about grades, because they should feel more important than the attention I've given them, but I honestly can't come up with anything to say. Seems like most people did OK. And the people who did better than that seem to be doing a good job of keeping it to themselves. Unless I'm not picking up on the code.

What code? I don't know. But at least it gives me an idea for something funny. So here goes.


You say... "Grades are completely random"
When you mean... "Man, I screwed up those exams."

You say... "No, grades are imperfect but still valid measures of how well we've learned the material"
When you mean... "I did pretty well. Yay for me."

You say... "It's only three grades so far... not enough to really know how we're doing."
When you mean... "Man, I screwed up those exams."

You say... "I should raise my hand in class more often now, since I want everyone to know how smart I am."
When you mean... "I did pretty well. Yay for me."

You say... "I think I'm really interested in working in a smaller city, for a smaller firm, for a lot less money than the big firms. Less money is totally the key."
When you mean... "Man, I screwed up those exams."

You say... "Do they even give B's?"
When you mean... "I did pretty well. Yay for me."

You say... "Do they even give B's? Or A's?"
When you mean... "Man, I screwed up those exams."

You say... "You think the Supreme Court will have a vacancy soon?"
When you mean... "I did pretty well. Yay for me."