Jeremy's Weblog

I recently graduated from Harvard Law School. This is my weblog. It tries to be funny. E-mail me if you like it. For an index of what's lurking in the archives, sorted by category, click here.

Friday, October 03, 2003

I was going to write a parody song, but I can't find any real song this works with, so I figured I'd just start from scratch. So this has a tune, trust me... it's just not a tune you've heard before.

"Interview Suit"

Interview Suit
Keep you away
From anything that is gonna stop me
From wearing you one more day

Interview Suit
I will be screwed
I'm keeping you safe inside some plastic
And far away from any food

There's coffee in the corner
And fruit out on a tray
Chocolate covered pretzels
And a deli wrap buffet
There is juice inside the pitcher
But I'm steering very clear
There will be no dirt that's landing on my suit I'm wearing here

Interview Suit
Keep you away
From anything that is gonna stop me
From wearing you one more day

Interview Suit
What do you think
I'm keeping you safe inside some plastic
And away from food and drink

If I bleed I will drip downwards
If I sneeze it's to the floor
If there's rain I will start crying
And walk to the nearest door
Because, suit, you were expensive
And I've got no other spare
Oh for three weeks you're the only thing I wear
(at least on the days I have interviews)

Interview Suit
Keep you away
From anything that is gonna stop me
From wearing you one more day

Interview Suit
You're such a pain
All day I'm running interference
To make sure that there's no stain

Interview Suit
Keep you away
From anything that is gonna stop me
From wearing you one more day