Jeremy's Weblog

I recently graduated from Harvard Law School. This is my weblog. It tries to be funny. E-mail me if you like it. For an index of what's lurking in the archives, sorted by category, click here.

Monday, April 25, 2005

This article is about chef Jamie Oliver and his efforts to transform British school lunch from crap to something better. The article talks about the recent 4-part television series documenting his efforts. It made it sound interesting enough that I sought out a place to download it. I just watched episode 1. This is great TV. This is awesomely entertaining. I mean, I like the Food Network, and I thought Kitchen Confidential was a brilliant book, so maybe it's just that I'm the right audience, but, really, this is so cool. I should be sleeping (8:50 class in the morning) but I couldn't shut it off. I'll watch the other 3 segments tomorrow, almost for sure.

From the article:

[One] little boy, tasting what he said was his first-ever vegetable, threw up on the table....

To shock the older children into nutritional awareness, he tossed a chicken carcass into a blender along with bits of skin, fat and bread crumbs, whizzed it around, and showed off the result: stomach-turning mush that, when shaped and cooked, could pass for the nuggets they had been eating.

In a televisual tour de force, he talked his way into a meeting with the chief executive of the company that supplies schools with a notorious dish called turkey twizzlers (ingredients: 30 percent or so turkey, 70 percent other) and scolded him in a way that even Michael Moore in all his glory has never achieved.
There's so much awesome stuff out there in the world. What's so cool about the Internet is you can find just a little bit of it. Man, so many people doing interesting, cool things in the world, and then making art from it -- books, TV, movies, etc. What would people back in the 1600s, struggling to survive disease and merely *live* say if they could come back today and see the stuff we have time to waste doing, thinking about, and watching. Seriously, it's these random discoveries -- a British documentary about school lunch? I mean, am I for real? -- that make life seem kind of neat a whole lot of the time. (Sometimes I'm impossible to please, and sometimes it all just seems too easy.)