The Fifteen People You Don't Need To See At Graduation, Generic Edition
1. The guy with the parents who smell like liverwurst
2. The girl who kept stealing your assigned seat in Con Law
3. The guy who got the job you really wanted
4. The girl who's graduating summa cum laude
5. The guy who was in your study group for a week until he quit because he found people he thought were smarter than you
6. The girl you cheated off
7. The girl you cheated on
8. The guy with the wooden leg (nothing against wooden legs, it's just awkward)
9. The girl who you once mistook for a proctor
10. The girl who you once mistook for a guy
11. The guy you once mistook for a girl
12. The girl you once mistook for a goat
13. The professor whose grade prevented you from getting honors
14. The professor whose grade prevented you from getting the clerkship
15. The professor whose grade prevented you from graduating
1. The guy with the parents who smell like liverwurst
2. The girl who kept stealing your assigned seat in Con Law
3. The guy who got the job you really wanted
4. The girl who's graduating summa cum laude
5. The guy who was in your study group for a week until he quit because he found people he thought were smarter than you
6. The girl you cheated off
7. The girl you cheated on
8. The guy with the wooden leg (nothing against wooden legs, it's just awkward)
9. The girl who you once mistook for a proctor
10. The girl who you once mistook for a guy
11. The guy you once mistook for a girl
12. The girl you once mistook for a goat
13. The professor whose grade prevented you from getting honors
14. The professor whose grade prevented you from getting the clerkship
15. The professor whose grade prevented you from graduating
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